Running Order

1) Jingle at the start of the episode promoting the Chadwell heath radio station.

2) Narration is used in order to provide context as to what is going on in the episode of the podcast and provide explanation of what is happening. 

3)This is accompanied by sound effects providing an idea of what is occurring within the narrative and help create an image in their mind.

4)Dialogue of the main character as they are seeing what is coming up on social media and making them feel upset and isolated. 

5)Narrator explains how these events on social media are following them around even into there real life and speaks about how this is effecting them.  

6)Music will accompany this as different events are occurring for the main character with different sound effects and background noises to show the different locations showing how far this feeling of isolation and despair is following the character from social media. 

7) The main character crying for a few moments will be all that could be heard for showing how bad their feelings of isolation and despair has followed them to.

8) Dialogue between characters as the parents of the main character discover what has been happening with their child and are offering comfort to their child in trying times.

9) Ends with Narrator providing a final explaining how this has occurred before and effected others even more greatly and then promotes the program and the radio station and encourages them to watch more programs.       


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