Voice actor release forms

Talent Consent and Release Form


Production Company:                                                             Location

________________________                                              ___________________________

Project title:                                                                           ___________________________



I have participated on the above audio recording in consideration of my voice and without further consideration from you I hereby grant permission to use my voice in connection with the above audio recording in any manner and media. All rights whatso ever in perpetuity in and to my voice the results being the performance and all in connection I authorize the production company to record my voice, to edit it and include others and with sound effects, special effects, and music. To license others for use of the recordings in any manner of the media including the limitation of unrestricted use for purposes of publicity, advertising and sales promotion. To use my name, voice or other biographic information concerning me in connection to the media product. I further acknowledge that the production company holds all rights to results and proceeds of my services rendered in connection herewith.      


I agree to my participation in the radio show above and I consent to use my voice in the above radio programme and any other promotional material for the programme. I release you, your agents and your employees from any claims that I have or may have from: invasion of privacy, defamation or any other cause of action against the production, distribution, broadcast and exhibition of the media product.


Talent signature                                                               Print name

 __________________                                                     _____________________

Phone                                                                              Date

___________________                                                    ______________________

If talent under 18

I represent that I am the legal guardian of the minor that has signed the above release form and that we are both bound hereby


Signature                                               Print Name                                          Date

____________________                ______________________                 ______________________


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