
 Medium- Podcast

Title- S.O.C (Social Media out of control)

What is the purpose of the podcast?

This is to inform our audience of the dangers of social media and to give advice on how to prevent this from happening to you or some one you may know.

Proposed content

The proposed content is the dangers of social media, this maybe: Inadequacy about your life or appearance, Fear of missing out (FOMO), Isolation Depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, self-absorption.

Sound effect, atmospheric sounds, music

The sound effect that we are going to us is typing, notification and crying. This will be able to encapsulate the emotion that the character maybe feeling. The atmospheric sounds examples ,silence , street, park and school, this will tell the audience what the protagonist location that they may visit. The music that plays in the background will be dependent on the emotion that the protagonist is feeling in the scene, example would be if the protagonist was feeling sad the scene would play sad music, this will portray what the character may be feeling. Dialogue will show the character spoken word and also their inner dialogue to show what they are thinking and this will allow for the audience to know what a character is thinking or saying. 

Target audience 

The target audience will primarily aimed toward ages 12-24 as this age group is the most active group that use social media, however the podcast that we are creating will also be able to give parent insight into how their child may experience social media and also give advice on how to prevent their child from being isolated.


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