Production Journey

 The necessary documents were created in order to allow us to create the radio drama and ensure that no rules were broken whilst creating the radio drama and we had the necessary rights to do so.

First, we recorded all of the voice actors’ lines into garage band which took a large amount of to do due to the fact there is a large number of lines that needed recording as well as the area that we were recording in was not the best due to the fact there is a large amount of noise that is generated within the room. Several takes of lines were needed because of this background noise interfering with the recording. There was also the issue of availability as not all of the needed voice actors were available in order to get the recordings done due to poor attendance on their half so they were required before any progress could be made on the radio drama.

After the lines were recorded using the garage band software, we attempted to make the recordings the best that we could however due to the room not being the best for recording as well as the range in tone with the voice actors voices it was difficult in order to achieve this. This was especially difficult when trying to balance the EQ as the background noise is more prominent in some recordings as well as others voices being low in tone making it difficult to balance with the EQ.

After the necessary alterations were made the recordings were exported from garage band into a compatible format for final cut pro so that it can then be properly made in a way in order to go onto the desired site YouTube. As well as also adding the necessary elements that are needed to ensure that the file is a radio drama.

Then we added the title card which is the single thing that can be seen throughout the radio drama and foley sound in order to give the radio drama a more realistic feel to the programme by adding these foley sounds within the radio drama. Background music was also added in order to set the mood for the piece and add to the atmosphere that has been created. The title card was simple as it does not change throughout the radio drama whereas the foley sounds and the music was difficult to place into the timeline due to the fact they were needed in specific areas and edited to fit these areas. Afterwards the audio levels needed to be balanced out in order to have a better sounding radio drama and ensure that none of the sounds that were not overpowering each over and could be heard clearly.

This draft version was then shown to a select few audience members who then provided feedback on the draft version which we had collected and then analysed in order to determine what should be done to improve the radio drama. After looking at the feedback that was provided the necessary alterations were made in final cut pro with unfortunately not all of the feedback could have been implemented due to the time constraints of the project as well as the conditions for making any new recordings were not any different from previous recordings that were made. Then the project was uploaded onto YouTube and the project had been finished with the necessary post production processes being completed. 


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