What was led on my side

With regard to how I liaised with my partner in my part of the recording he was entrusted with ensuring that the recording had gone smoothly. Throughout my section of the recording, I am the main voice in which can be heard throughout the radio and thus would be unable to properly record myself whilst also saying my lines at the exact same time. Hence, I instructed Dawud of what to with the recording software whilst I had said my lines. I had also instructed Dawud of what to do encase of a bad recording where I had messed up my lines and thus would require another take this is so that when recordings if I messed up a line it would not automatically be deleted and instead be saved to be evidenced within the rushes log. Another way in which I had liaised with my partner is with the recording of the foley sounds. This is where we had recorded the foley sounds in which were going to be used within the radio. Here we had decided on what foley sounds in which we wanted to include and then thought of how to best capture these foley sounds so that they could then easily be added into the editing software. I had instructed him on the best methods of capturing these noises and had divided the work up equally on who was recording what sounds. Hence how I had liaised with my partner on my part of the recording. 


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