Conduct Recces

 The first suitable location that we are going to use for the radio project is Chadwell Heath Academy where a majority of what is needed for the radio programme can be easily recorded and acquired. Here we would be able to record most of the sounds that are required as the location offers a case where most of the scenarios can be recorded here due to the different rooms which have varying levels of suitability for radio programme. The only sounds that would not be recorded here are for the scenario where the main character is hanging out with their friends due to the fact of the unsuitable environment for the image that is trying to be created regardless it is still very suitable a as means of  most of the needed recordings done for the radio programme. This location is also suitable for the recording of the radio programme as this location is where all the necessary equipment is kept for the recording and the editing of the audio that is collected for the radio programme which is beneficial as it means upon finishing the recordings for certain scenes they can be uploaded within a short span of time. 

The second suitable location would be Chadwell Heath Station as it is able to capture the final scene that we would be unable to capture at Chadwell Heath Academy due to the environment not being able to suit the scene and the image that is being created. Here we will be able to record the audio for the scenes where Jonny is meant to be with his friends hanging out with one another. This would be a suitable location in order to film this scene as the surrounding environment will be able to capture the scenario perfectly with Jonny and his friends hanging out in town. The noise that is generated within the area would be ideal in trying to make the recording as real life as possible in order to properly sell the story and the message that is trying to be conveyed from it. Hence why Chadwell Heath Station would be a suitable location in order to record the necessary audio recordings needed for the last scene that cannot be done at Chadwell Heath Academy.   


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