U14-P1- compare presentation programme

Both the coming storm and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four have a similar tone to one another from Winston's tone when is in search of in places such as Mr Charring tons shop or when he is speaking with Julia for the first time or is discovering about the brotherhood. This is similar to that of the coming storm focuses on the reporter Gabriel Gatehouse as he is uncovering a conspiracy about America and understanding why the people had went invading the white house in recent times. This also shows comparison in the regard that Winston he is part of a conspiracy against Big Brother whilst Gabriel Gate House is discovering the conspiracy that is plaguing modern America. Another similarity between the two is they have dedicated personnel towards the programme with the coming storm they have Gabriel Gatehouse who is on every episode of the show as it is the telling of his events as he is in America finding out what is going on with the dedicated personnel in George Orwell's nineteen eighty four being Peter Cushing as well as Yvonne Mitchel who voices are used to bring the audio adaptation of 1984 to life. 

A difference between the two shows is George Orwell nineteen eighty four is a tale of fictional events that were occurring in the world that Orwell has created but the coming storm focuses on events that could have been fictional but it could have been non fictional events that have been occurring within America at the time of the invasion of the capital with the causes that could be true or not.  With nineteen eight four the story is a fictional tale of events focusing on the main character of Winston as he tries to survive the dystopian future where as in the coming storm Gabriel gate house is trying to discover whether the narrative that is being told to so many is true or not.  Another difference between the two of them is the style that both shows have in their presenting. Nineteen eighty four uses a drama show in which tries to create an accurate image of what is going on in the narrative for the listeners of the programme where as the coming storm uses a recollection of events with sampled sounds and audio recordings of what the investigator is finding out as the events are occurring within the programme.


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