Programme Analysis

The name of the program is "The Coming Storm" with each episode lasting about thirty five minutes per episode being listenable at eleven on BBC radio 4. It is frequently changed with other programs having an episode every Tuesday at 11:00. The audience are those that interested in documentaries and conspiracy theory that is able to be debated about what had happened and weather this theory is somewhat viable to events that have happened in America at the time. The audience are able to either listen to the program that is on the radio but they are also able to access the program via the BBC sounds page where the documentary is located being able to listen to all episodes whenever they so chose. 

The overall structure of the program has the narrator explaining his actions as he is presenting more and more evidence regarding the conspiracy theory and how certain things are linking together with sampled audio to represent as evidence. This is used to provide the listeners to the program with the necessary details and pieces of information that are required in order to understand the events of which the reporter are speaking and how they connect together with one another leading to one another in a linear narrative of the events that are taking place.  For example when he has his second interview referring to the conspiracies the audio of the interview was sampled and the interviewees had represented their evidence that was going towards the conspiracy theories from 18:45 to 21:29 . This can be seen again in another part of the show where the reporter had another interview this time a in person interview with more evidence that was going towards the theories shown within the show from 22:30 to 25:20. 

The purpose of the podcast is inform people of the events that have been occurring in America and how they may be able to link to a conspiracy theory that has been in the making for a large amount of time giving a bit of entertainment to the documentary. This also address the conspiracy theories that were occurring within the past of America regarding the former presidency and how there is a secret group behind the curtain pulling and manipulating the strings and controlling that of Greater America. The theories are debated and different pieces of literature and different people are referenced and spoken with in order to give the idea of that these string of events could possibly have been true and has actually occurred but overall the point of the program is to inform people of these past events and how any possible figures could have linked into these events whilst overall having the purpose of entertainment in mind by keeping the audience intrigued with the supposed theories that are being discussed.  For example of the conspiracy theory regarding the Clintons is addressed and how possibly they could have been corrupt and caused multiple crimes and how this tension that was built on them suddenly vanished in 26:22 to 28:36. Another example is with the conspiracy of the people that stormed the capital with the government was corrupted by a cult who had been in control of Hilary Clintons actions which can be seen in 4:33 5:31

Meanings created within the program: Within the program the no real meanings are created only and explanation of a string of events caused by a conspiracy theory regarding the Clintons and a colt of worshipers who were taking over America as seen within the 4:10 and then throughout the rest of the first episode. There was no meanings created within the program as they as only exploring a possibility of events that could have happened within America and how it can effect the rest of the country in time.  

Mode of address from the presenter: The presenters mode of address is a calm voice which is used to tell a recollection of events that have occurred as if they were speaking to someone they know for example a college or close friend. This is done deliberately so that the listeners are more engaged with the show and would be encouraged to be listen more to the show and become intrigued by the topic that they are talking about in that episode.  For example at the beginning of the program the presenter starts with a recollection of story upon which they have heard and begins sharing with the listeners on the program. This is good as stories are usually shared between friends about what they have experienced and also it relatable as this was set during the time of the lockdown where people were forced to stay at home and take on new hobbies or activities as of such from 0:14 to 0:40 Another example is when they are referencing a real life event that has happened having an impact as it is recent event that had taken place when they had stormed the capital 6:49 to 8:44

People involved in the making of  "The Coming Storm":  Produced by Lucy Proctor , Mixed by James Beard, Edited by Richard Vardhan, Music by Pete Cunningham, Production support Shawn Reed, Written and Presented by Gabriel Gatehouse.

Running order Dialogue, intro music, mixture of dialogue and samples with a few jingles here and there and finishes with a promotion at the end.

  1. Jingle at the start of the episode used to promote the BBC 
  2. Context is provided with a recoded audio of a zoom call about drawing which can influence events years apart from one another and cause a large amount of chaos within current society.
  3. Narrator for the coming storm is using direct address as if they are talking to the audience as if they were close friends talking about something one of them has come across in natural conversation.  
  4. Sampled audio used in order to help give to the listeners an image in their mind of the events that hare currently taking place with the narrator.
  5. Music is used within to accompany the main dialogue of the narrator to help build on the atmosphere that they are creating with the mystery that has been created from events that have transpired and how they could possibly interlink with one another with the podcast providing explanation. 
  6. Recorded audio of live discussions between the reporter for the BBC and those that they are interviewing are used in order to provide more context to the situation due to these people being interviewed poses information relevant to the context of the events and what possibly could have happened. This is made evident with the background noises that can be heard in some of the discussions that are taking place.  
  7. More context is provided with recorded audio used from different speeches to be used as a show peoples response to conspiracy theories.
  8. Concludes with music being played after dialogue which is meant to be used to hook the reader on and encourage them to come back and listen to another episode of the program. It also concludes with the credits of those who work on the program itself.
  9. Finishes with the promotion of other programs that are there on the BBC radio 4 channel and where they are able to watch these programs for the viewers.


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