Unit 14 differences between types of programmes

  •  Talk/Music
Music planet is an example of a Talk/Music programme where people are talking about a country related to the episode and then provides an example of the music that originates from the country. The dialogue is used to provide context about the country and the populous to give the people a new perspective on the country and its culture .This is unique as it provides a unique perspective on the different countries and their music that they have in their countries to provide the listeners an idea of these countries are like and allow them to paint a picture in their mind.   
  • Sport
Rugby Union daily Six nations Greatest Matches is an example of sport from the discussion used about the most recent matches that are occurring with the six nations and the hosts are giving their perspective on the matter. This is used in order to provide the listeners with a feeling of inclusion as the show like most sport shows is a discussion speaking of a topic that they like and offering new perspective on the matter. What makes the show unique is the topic of which they discuss with the six nations which is an event that occurs every year where some of the greatest rugby teams in Europe get together and face one another in the rounders tournament which provides the show with a unique topic to speak about with their podcast.
  • Current Events
BBCs global News Podcast is an example of current events as it provides information about current events that are currently going on within the world in order to provide people with the necessary information about what it is going on and not just focusing on one area of where events are happening. Tone is informative and lacks any sort of emotion in order to provide the necessary points across that the news has to share with the listeners about current affairs. Has a large amounts of sample audio from other audio areas as well as interviews that are occurring people that are used to provide a better perspective on the context. 
  • Lifestyle
BBCs radio 4 has a programme in where called "You and Yours" where they discus about different topic that vary when the programme is on. Each of the episodes are different due to the varying of the topics that are different from one another. The structure is usually sampled quotes from people that are being interviewed about the topics with people discussing their opinion about the topics. This programme is unique to the programme as it does not provide a specific persons perspective on the matter as a shows will usually will provide a host or several to speak to one another regarding the topic.  
  • Dramatizations
George Orwell Nineteen Eighty Four is an example of a dramatization from the dialogue between the characters within the show speaking of serious events that were occurring with the characters as they are specking to one another, the use of sound effects in order to provide a more realistic view of what is going on in the show as well as music added in certain areas to build tension in what was going with the events that are occurring. What makes the show unique is the adaptation of how the BBC has portrayed the original piece created by George Orwell piece and provides it with a unique spin on the piece created by George Orwell.   


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