Sound in Media 2


Dialogue is interaction of characters within a media text using the spoken word as means of communication with one another. This can be seen within radio dramas such as the Lovecraft Investigation on BBC radio Sounds which heavily rely upon the use of sound in order to properly provide people with an idea of what is going on in the media products narrative and allow them to create a picture within their mind. Here the dialogue between the characters is used to set up the story and establish what is happening with the investigation that they are having and the relationship between the characters that are in the radio program. This dialogue is providing us with the necessary information regarding the characters such as from 2:48 to 3:47 where the characters are interacting and talking about events providing people with an idea of who the characters are and what they are trying to do allowing for the consumer to create an image in their mind of what events are going on. Hence how dialogue is important in media products to accurate create a scene.

Music ( incidental/theme )

Music is the combination of sounds to create a pleasing sounds which is commonly used within media products in order to enhance what is being shown within the media product. This can be evident within the Lost In Space where during the introduction sequence where the theme of the show plays to the opening credits and multiple images regarding space travel and its development such as 0:17 to 0:19 where the family there is watching the moon landing and 0:20 to 0:23 with the first rover on Mars. Here the main theme is inspirational in order to appear as inspirational and encouraging to the viewers as they are watching the introduction sequence to the program. This can be used to evoke a sense of pride in to the audience that humanity has accomplished these great feats and look upon what more that we could achieve within this programme. Hence how music can be used within a media product in order to provide the consumer with a certain sense of feeling that the creators are trying to evoke. 

How sounds enhances visuals 

Sounds are able to enhance visuals by being able to bring to life media products that which otherwise would not be the same without it. This can be seen in most media texts with the actions that are occurring within them as well as events that are occurring around them. This is most evident within Animations such as the Warhammer plus exclusive Angles of Death where the sound is used in order to provide people a better experience than what it would have been without it. In this sequence we see the blood angles fight off the gene-stealer cultists with Chaplin Raphael shout out inspiration to his fellow Astarte at 0:37 to 0:40. Here the use of sound is bringing the characters to life as well as the actions that they are doing which is providing the audience with more pleasure than just watching the images by themselves keeping them more engaged with what is occurring within the animation. Hence how sounds are used in order to bring media products such as animations to life and become more entertaining for the consumer that is viewing it.

How sounds enhances visuals( different way) 

Sounds can also enhance the visuals by building tension within a scene in order to build suspense within media products with the events that are occurring within the media product. This can be seen within the film of Avengers Endgame during the last fight sequence within the film between good and evil. Here tension is built within the scene as multiple heroes attempt to stop the villain from enacting their plan with the sounds of conflict to accompany this as well as music to build tension as the conflict is occurring at 0:20 to 1:13. The tension and suspense only end in this seen when it is reveled that the villain did not posses the means to enact his plan but rather the hero has them and they end this reign in a moment where the tension and the suspense is built to its peak leaving the audience in satisfied with what they have seen. Here the sounds are used in order to build tension within the scene and provide the audience with pleasure once the tension and suspense had ended showing how overall tension can be made from sound to build suspense within a scene. Hence why sounds can be used to enhance the visuals by creating suspense within media products with the events that are occurring within the media product.

Use of silence

The use of silence is where there is no sound being used within the media text usually to build tension and cause a sense of unease within both characters within the media product and the audience that are watching being most commonly seen within horror movies and their promotional videos. An example of this is from The Silence trailers where it is given a brief moment of silence and then the reveal of what they had wished to have shown. This can be seen between 1:41 to 1:43 where the girl is standing out in the filed and temporarily can not here anything giving a sense of terror as she can not here anything that is occurring around her until them we are title dropped. Here the brief moment of silence is building tension as we do not know what he happening for in the scene we are only shown the girl and a few brief moments of the flying creates creating tension on what is going to happen next. Hence the use of silence in order to build tension within a media product for both characters and consumers.


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