Sound in Media

Educate narration is often provided with media products to explain the events that are occurring with what is happening within the media product or provide them with the necessary information for the viewer to understand what is occurring. In the documentary of the TV documentary Blue Planet the episode are about learning of sea life and of the environment that is under the sea with multiple shots of amazing sea life just living the life that they know. At 0:16 the narrator is speaking and is providing audio for the scene that is showing us wildlife which is providing a information for the audience. Hence showing how the narrator is educating the audience through their narration.

Entertain dialogue can be used within most media products where characters are making attempts of humour with one another or are doing actions that are providing pleasures to the audience as they are seeing the events that are transpiring. This is evident in Halo infinite with the grunt towers which are scattered around the ring. The grunt there attempts to spread humour and deliver funny lines whilst the player is listening to the towers. This is demonstrating entertainment as the grunt is providing the humour for the player to listen to whilst playing the game which would encourage the people to continue playing the game.

Inform narration can be used here or dialogue can be used in order to provide the necessary information for the viewers to understand the events that are occurring within the media product and provide much necessary context for their events. This can be seen in the TV show of  Doctor who where in these episodes when the doctor is confronting her enemies they are usually providing information about why they are doing what they are doing.  Doctor who season 5 episode 3 Victory of the Daleks where at 16:10 the Daleks start explaining what they are doing on earth and what they are planning on doing. This is shows that they are informing the audience and other characters within the media text.
Sell Products this can be seen in most media products which has mainstream content and uses diegetic dialogue with characters and non diegetic with narration occurring within the back ground of the piece and music which is usually trying to encourage the viewer to want the product. Within the TV Adverts Coca cola 2020 advert they have used a Varity of different audios in the attempt to try and convince their audience into to having their product that they are selling. From 1:50 within the advert the music the music had changed with the arrival of the coca cola truck arriving and giving the father a lift home to be there for Christmas. This demonstrates the use of audio to sell products by convincing people of the good that they can do because of it. 

Wild Tracks are the sounds that are recorded separately from the main media product but are meant to be synchronised with the events that are taking place within the media product. This is evident within multiple different media products for example the Animation Hammer and Bolter where we are shown different aspects of the 40k universe like episode 4 being different from episode 9. During episode 9 we see Trazyn monologuing to the space marines he has captured with his mouth lighting up when he speaks and metallic sound whenever he moves. Hence how wild tracks are used within the media product to able to bring it to life with the synchronised events.

Atmospheric sounds are used in order to make the media product appear more realistic to the viewer by providing them with an idea of the world that is occurring around the main focus of the media product. For example the Film Spider Man No way Home uses a variety of atmospheric sounds in order to give the viewers the impression of the world that the film is portraying the main characters to be in as they are going through the process of trying to save the world from danger which they may have in have vertically caused.  From 1:09 in SMNWH we here the atmospheric sounds of the environment that they are in such as the moving of cars in the background and the clatter of people within the city. Hence demonstrating the use of atmospheric sounds within SMNWH that are used in order to provide the audience with a more realistic feel of what is transpiring within the product.

Sound effects are added to media products which are used in order to make the product seem more realistic with diegetic with the events occurring for the media product and more entertaining for the consumer to view. This is seen within the Radio Drama  BBC sounds radio drama George Orwell 1984 where the sound effects are used in order to give the impression of what is occurring with the characters of 1984 and allow them to envision what is happening within their minds. From 2:19 to 6:15 there is a radio announcement with the commentators giving news and forcing people into a daily routine exercise with the effect of radio static applied onto the voices giving the impression that they are using an old form of technology. Hence how sound effects are used in radio dramas in order to provide them with a greater image within the mind.


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